A moment in time of pure beauty, of wonder, we should all pause to enjoy and enrich our lives with nature

Great photography offers us the opportunity to pause…….. I mean really pause, a time to feel us again, chance to take deep cleansing breaths and take note of what you are seeing and feeling.

Everyone rushes about, always on the go, getting distracted every second by life, phones, a million distractions, this isn’t healthy for us in many ways especially mental health. When you go for your daily walks try find places where there’s a view, where you can really absorb the landscape, where you can feel wonder and appreciation for nature, take a few minutes, sit and stop, let the world and your mind slow down. Note how it feels and appreciate the wonder of nature around you

PEOPLE - striking images captured at just the right time!!!

ICELAND - 2018 & 2022

Eye opening trips, Iceland showed me what wonderful planet we live on, how nature is so in control and diverse.